42 Cleveden Road, Glasgow G12 0JW

0141 582 0060

Cleveden Secondary School


Developing the Young Workforce

Developing the Young Workforce Programme is a seven-year national plan to improve the outcomes for all Scotland’s young people.

Developing the Young Workforce - Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy was published in December 2014 and set out the plans to implement the 39 recommendations as set out by the  report Education for All! (June 2014) from the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce, chaired by Sir Ian Wood.

DYW Site Visit to GU

 The aim of the programme is to create a rich variety of high quality learning   opportunities, linked to skills needs and employer demand, taken up by young people   who are informed and empowered to make smart decisions about the best route to   work for them. The strategy was debated in the Scottish Parliament in 2014; read a   copy of the official report of that debate.

Apprenticeship opportunities

Adverts can be found on www.glasgowguarantee.org and applications can be made on the website.

The Glasgow Guarantee is a highly regarded employability programme which supports Glaswegians into work and helps local businesses to grow and prosper.

It offers many benefits if you are:

  • a Glasgow resident who is unemployed or about to leave school or college- we have lots of job opportunities available to you
  • a Glasgow based business, who employs less than 250 staff we can support you financially when you are recruiting your next employee.

Current Vacancies

Vacancy: Apprentice Butcher
Vacancy: Child Development Officer
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