SCQF Explained
SCQF stands for Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework.
The framework provides a structure to compare all Scottish Qualifications to other qualification frameworks. It does this by giving each qualification a level and a number of credit points.
- The level of a qualification shows how difficult the learning is.
- The credit points show how much learning is involved in achieving that qualification.
It covers achievements from school, college, university, and many work-based qualifications.
At Cleveden, we offer a wide range of qualifications at a variety of levels. These are mainly National 4, 5 and Higher courses but in addition, we also provide opportunities for national Progression Awards (NPAs) and Advanced Highers.
Below is a useful diagram showing the range SCQF levels from National 1 (SCQF level 1) up to Doctoral degrees (PhD) & Professional Apprenticeships (SCQF Level 12)