Skills Development Scotland (SDS)
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is a National body who's aim is to support the people and businesses of Scotland to develop and apply their skills. They are one of Cleveden's partners and we have two SDS contacts placed within the school - Amber Tortolano and Vicky Gemmell, who work hard to support both our staff and young people, ensuring career education is embedded within the classroom.
Amber and Vicky are based in the school library. Pupils can make appointments to see either for advice and support about employment, training, college and university courses.
By clicking on the small SDS logo, you be access the SDS website for more information.
These resources focus on building awareness, knowledge and understanding of:
- Skills – knowledge, competencies and abilities that are developed through life, study and work experiences to perform operational tasks.
- Labour market information (LMI) - data on supply (people and qualifications) and demand (jobs and industries) from the past and present which helps us better understand labour market change.
- Career management skills (CMS) - the skills that enable people to understand who they are and what they’re good at, explore what they want to work towards and who can help them take those steps.
Career Education Themes
If classroom practitioners can embed these key career education themes into day-to-day learning and teaching, then they will be addressing the expectations of the Career Education Standard. In turn this will help young people understand their capabilities and develop their aspirations to make informed learning and career choices.
My World of Work has a specific partner area where educators can access resources that will support the embedding of career education and the development of young people’s career management skills.
- Activities are linked to relevant Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes.
- The resources support teachers to deliver the ‘I can’ statements described in the Career Education Standard and align with the aspirations of Developing the Young Workforce.
By clicking on the images below, you will be taken to the 'Career education Standard' or 'My World of Work':
Career Education Standard |
My World of Work |