S3 Modern Languages Curriculum
In S3, the time allocation for Modern Languages is 4 periods per week. Given Modern Languages place in the Broad General Education, all young people learn French and Spanish to the end of S3.
All S3 courses build upon the foundations established in previous years. As in S1 and S2, the S3 course combines a topic-based approach with a structured study of grammar. All four areas of communication are developed: listening and talking, reading, and writing. The emphasis is placed upon personal language, language for work and everyday situations. The resources used include textbooks and ICT.
Young people are usually working at either Third or Fourth Level when they start S3 and most will progress through many of the Experiences and Outcomes of that level as they move through S3.
Progress is monitored by regular home learning exercises and on-going assessment of all four skills (plus vocabulary and Knowledge About Language tests).
- French
The core text for classes working towards National 5 at the end of S4 is Métro pour l’Ecosse Rouge which articulates with the S1/2 courses used.
The core text for classes working towards National 4 at the end of S4 is Métro pour l’Ecosse Vert which also articulates with the S1/2 courses used.
SQA Wider Achievement Award Languages for Life and Work - units French for Work Purposes and Building Own Employability Skills are assessed at either Third or Fourth Level in S3.
- Spanish
The core texts for all classes are Listos 1,2 and 3. SQA Wider Achievement Award Languages for Life and Work - unit Spanish for Life is assessed at either Third or Fourth Level in S3.
Those that pass all the unit assessments will be entered for SQA Wider Achievement Award Languages for Life and Work at either Third or Fourth Level.