42 Cleveden Road, Glasgow G12 0JW

0141 582 0060

Cleveden Secondary School


S1 Modern Languages Curriculum

CfE French - time allocation = 3 periods per week

•The main aim in S1 is to enable learners to reach a commendable standard in Listening and Talking, Reading and Writing, covering a range of topics and gaining some  knowledge of the countries and culture where French is spoken.

•The emphasis is on skills development and the course encourages young people to talk about themselves, giving personal details and taking part in conversations in a variety of topic-related situations. Some simple grammar structures are also introduced in S1. The course book used in class is Métro 1. Teachers use ICT regularly in class; and active and cooperative learning strategies are employed often.
•Most learners will have completed some French at primary school, but there can be some variation in the primary experience so the S1 French course has to allow for consolidation and stimulation, as well as providing a comprehensive introduction for beginners. Young people are usually working at Second Level when they come into secondary and they will start work on Third Level as they move through S1.
•Progress is monitored on an on-going basis, allowing more able learners to be stretched, while, at the same time, enabling each young person to develop to his or her full potential. Formative assessment strategies are used in S1 as well as some summative tests.